Cell & Sat is incorporated as a S.A.S. (Société par Actions Simplifiée) in Paris, France and provides consulting services to cellular and satellite operators. It also develops innovative products to optimize the cost of using satellite links within mobile networks.
It associates acquired during their career a strong expertise in both the cellular and satellite fields. They have been previously employed by telecom operators or equipment manufacturers, and held various responsibilities including system definition, technical development, business planning, sales & marketing or operational deployment of cellular or satellite networks.
Cell & Sat engineers apply their expertise cellular radio systems to assist operators in technical and economical optimizations of their networks. Recent assignments concerned the impact of 4G deployments, flat IP network architectures, and fast growing services such as video distribution and Internet of Things (IoT).
A special focus of the company is new technologies to extend the coverage of telecommunications networks in rural environments. It includes the application of satellite transmission systems to complement the terrestrial infrastructure. Cell & Sat engineers designed and implemented innovative solutions to reduce the cost and improve the quality of service of satellite based cellular backhaul, in partnership with the leaders in the satellite multiplexer market.
Cell & Sat is also assisting satellite operators and manufacturers in their technical assessments, market evaluations or business plan simulations concerning the potential contribution of satellite to telecommunication networks. Recent studies included the impact of state-of-the-art broadband satellite technologies, including geostationary as well as low / medium earth orbit High Throughput Satellites “HTS”.