Established in 1997, Cedar Rose is a premier business intelligence company with one of the world's largest corporate and legal entity databases, specialising in providing comprehensive, trusted, and verified data to clients worldwide.
For over 27 years, we have empowered businesses worldwide with comprehensive and verified data to mitigate risk and drive confident decision-making.
A market leader in credit reporting, due diligence, and data solutions, our comprehensive suite of solutions includes:
- CRiS Intel: A user-friendly platform offering global risk and compliance (CaaS) solutions. Access millions of corporate records worldwide to assess creditworthiness, manage risk, uncover UBOs, and conduct due diligence and compliance assessments.
- Credit Reports: Our tried and tested credit risk reports deliver accurate, comprehensive, and timely insights on companies in the MENA region and beyond.
- Data Licensing Solutions: our reliable up-to-date and verified data allow you to gain a competitive advantage, uncover hidden market insights, and monetise unique information for new revenue streams.
- Due Diligence: our comprehensive assessment of individuals and entities and Compliance as a Service (CaaS) capabilities enable you to expose hidden risks and safeguard your business.
Elevate your business acumen with our global reach, unmatched MENA expertise, and strict adherence to ISO27001 and GDPR. Our customisable business intelligence solutions and dedicated team give you the actionable insights you need for confident growth.
Partner with us for up-to-date insights, streamlined compliance, and confident decision-making.
Business Consulting and Services
HQ Location
25 Olympion
Floor 2, Omiros & Araouzos Tower
Limassol, Limassol 3035, CY
Credit ReportsDue DiligenceRegistration DatDirectorship & ShareholdingsID VerificatioDatabase AccessBankruptcy ChecksFinancial StatementsCorporate RecordsDebt Collection Searches