Videography and cinematography services by trained professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area.
We specialize in short films, documentaries for individuals and local artists and artisans of all kinds, and commercial video work.
Director/DP, Salt Cebe.
Casting/AD, Katy Dean Cebe.
Salt Cebe began his career in video in the early 2000s, then continued it once he joined the US Navy. During his military career, he placed in the Russell Egnor Navy Media Awards for his interview film "More Than a Piece of Cloth," along with honorable mention for two other pieces. He was the only award recipient in the entire Southeast sector. After several years and deployments, he came back to his home in Marin County, where he continues his passion for film.
We proudly service the greater Bay Area including San Francisco, South Bay to San Jose, north to Sonoma County, Napa Valley, and beyond.
View our website for samples and more details, or contact us.