Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good specializes in Civic and Social Organizations with 11 employees
About Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good is dedicated to promoting the fullness of the Catholic social tradition in the public square. As Catholics, we inherit a rich social tradition based on Jesus’ call to love one’s neighbor and serve the least among us, and on the Hebrew Scriptures’ prophetic commitment to justice and righteousness. Our Catholic tradition calls us to participate actively in public life in the service of human dignity, social justice and the common good. Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good works to promote the necessary conditions for a culture of life - a culture that reverences the dignity of the human person over greed, materialism, and the politics of division. Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good promotes awareness of the Catholic Social Tradition and its core values of justice, human dignity and the common good to Catholics, the media and Americans of all faiths.
Year Founded
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Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
1612 K ST NW, SUITE 400 Washington, Washington DC 20006, us
Promoting Catholic social traditionAdvocacy for social justiceEngagement in public lifePromoting human dignity and the common good
Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good Location
  • 1612 K ST NW, SUITE 400 Washington, Washington DC 20006, us

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Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good specializes in the Civic and Social Organizations field

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Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good specializes in the Civic and Social Organizations field