Called to the mission of Jesus in Western NSW, the Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes continues to provide excellent opportunities for the education of our children.
One of the strengths of Catholic Education in Wilcannia-Forbes Diocese is the diversity of students. It reflects the diversity of life in Western NSW and the curriculum embraces this. It takes into account each student’s strengths, learning needs, their cultural and language background, disability, learning disabilities and difficulties, as well as individual student attitudes and abilities.
Teaching Opportunities - We provide unique opportunities to teach in Rural and remote Western NSW. Testimony from graduate teachers describe life changing experiences:
“The support of the Wilcannia-Forbes Diocese is to be commended, everything from a mentor, organising professional development, graduate days for programming and allowing teachers to be able to participate in retreat programs. To have your own class first year out is always the ultimate aim and by opening yourself to new opportunities, it can lead to such positive and life-changing experiences.”