Cat and Weasel Films is a film and content production company working out of London and Berlin. Since 2011 we’ve been working hard to put great ideas to screen, whether it be in the cinema, at home on your television, or resting on the palm of your hand. Our work spans the whole medium. We really believe in the power of visual storytelling and are passionate about engaging with audiences locally and worldwide.
Whether we’re developing and producing films or TV drama, branded content or music videos, our passion and skill lie in creating something that resonates with the viewer and their imagination. Our films have featured at dozens of top-notch festivals all around the world, even nabbing a fair amount of prizes along the way. We love to produce commissioned content and can work both to pre-existing scripts or to a brief where we develop original concepts of our own.
We pride ourselves not only on our creativity, but also on our straightforward approach to getting the job done. We value the relationships we have with our partners and our clients, as well as the common goal we share with our directors and crews…namely to make absolutely the best films possible.