Casa do Notebook

Casa do Notebook specializes in Computer Hardware Manufacturing with 11 employees
Phone Number: 551138190266
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About Casa do Notebook
The Casa do Notebook (Notebook´s House) is a company specializing in sales and service of portable computing equipment. Founded in 1988 as Alphaville Computing, settled at Av. Faria Lima, where even today maintains its flagship store. In 1992 the House has trademarked Casa do Notebook, his assumed name. It currently has four own stores, strategically located, three in the south of Capital, and a store in Alphaville. It also has over forty stores franchised, installed in some major cities. Every shop has its own laboratory. Every unit is focused mainly on the provision of technical assistance services and the sale of notebooks and accessories, iPhones and Tablets. Website:
Year Founded
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Computer Hardware Manufacturing
HQ Location
Barueri, São Paulo 06454-010, BR
NotebookTablets and acessories salestechnical assistence for portables. and Franchises
Casa do Notebook Location
  • Barueri, São Paulo 06454-010, BR

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Casa do Notebook specializes in the Computer Hardware Manufacturing field

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Casa do Notebook specializes in the Computer Hardware Manufacturing field