Diagnosed with depression? Know someone with depression who is looking for a new and different treatment option? You and your loved ones may be eligible to participate in our ongoing clinical trials of non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of depression at our center in the Department of Psychiatry at UNC - Chapel Hill. Contact us (mood_study@unc.edu) to learn if you are eligible for one of our ongoing clinical trials.
Many of the individuals who contact us, do so because they or a loved one suffer from a major brain illness such as depression. Not uncommonly, patients come to us after numerous medication trials have offered little symptom relief at the price of intolerable side effects. These individuals are finding a renewed hope for recovery by participating in clinical trials of non-invasive neurostimulation treatments.
Our mission is to collaborate to advance brain stimulation through interdisciplinary research, innovative clinical services, and education. We seek to revolutionize psychiatry and neurology by providing neurostimulation treatments to patients in need, facilitating the study of brain, body, and behavior dynamics in response to neurostimulation, and translating novel discoveries into effective clinical treatments.