Through our extensive backgrounds, experience and business knowledge, the Carmdale team are very passionate about being able to assist organisations to develop their people in partnership. Why do we do what we do? In Carmdale we get energised and excited when we see, through our assistance, that individuals, teams and organisations are able to grow to their true potential.
How do we carry out that knowledge and experience transfer? We are able to do this through a tiered approach and using recognised training and coaching delivery methods, with the knowledge that our outputs meet national accreditation and industry wide standards. At the organisational level we provide diverse specialist expert advice in Leadership, Management and Business Development. We can also operate at the international, national and local level.
For your teams, we provide coaching, leadership development and mentoring support, which can be tailored to suit your organisational requirements.
We recognise that it is essential for each staff member to perform to the best of their ability. Carmdale’s coaching and mentoring packages, including team coaching, will assist your personnel to reach their full potential in achieving objectives and delivering that extra outcome that will make all the difference.
What do we offier? A range of related training, coaching and mentoring services as well related bespoke solutions to meet each partner's needs. Please visit our website for more information.