Caretakers of the Environment International (CEI) is a global, independent organization and network established in 1986, focused on environmental education and cultural exchange among secondary school students, teachers and mentors. Nowadays, Caretakers are active in nearly 50 countries across the world. An annual CEI Conference is to provide students and their educators with an interactive platform for sharing and accomplishing projects on environmental topics, for discussing relevant and current issues and problems, for looking together for solutions for the future and for celebrating the involvement and interest of young and creative students in saving our planet . Each conference also serves as a cultural exchange between all participants.
The organisation is supported by the CEI Alumni, former student participants who embody the energy, goals and heart of the organisation and who are willing to give back to CEI through assisting at the annual conferences. Alumni share our experiences with the incoming students and help them to learn about the environment, culture and themselves through workshops, activities and games. Throughout the year, they continue to spread the message of sustainability in our communities, colleges and workplace to try and make the planet a better place for all. You can read more on their website here: