
Careforia specializes in Health, Wellness & Fitness with 11 employees
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About Careforia
Careforia offers 24/7 personalised heath support and care, at any time, from anywhere, on any device to ensure that you keep getting the health care and support you need, where and when you need it. Careforia brings you your own virtual Health Coach, relevant information, personal health care plans, educational programs and practical assessments. How Does Careforia Work? Upon selection of your condition, Jesse - your Careforia Personal Health Coach - guides you to improve your well-being and general health. Many conditions are manageable with a consistent lifestyle. But that’s actually very hard to achieve without everyday support and guidance. Careforia helps you to master your attitude towards your condition and the best possible lifestyle. Based on your specific needs, Jesse suggests and provides educational material, videos, programs, exercises and courses based on your condition. Jesse will also remind you to record your symptoms when relevant, answer questions or write notes in your personal journal. Everything is intended to help you improve your wellness journey and associated well-being. What Can You Expect? Making the best of the everyday conversation with you, Jesse will become, day after day, your trusted confidant, available at any time to deliver precious information on your condition, providing care and support when you need it the most. As Jesse learns about you, more and more each day, you will be provided with personalised and relevant guidance based on what you want and how you want it, including educational material, videos and programs. Depending on how you were invited to download Careforia, your condition and your personal circumstances, you will have a different experience, an experience designed by designed medical experts and patient organisations, to be best for your condition.
Year Founded
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Health, Wellness & Fitness
HQ Location
63 Christie St St. Leonards, New South Wales 2065, AU
HealthCareDystoniWell beingAppSupport
Careforia Location
  • 63 Christie St St. Leonards, New South Wales 2065, AU

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