Care for Wild Rhino is situated in the beautiful heartland Mpumalanga, South Africa. The Sanctuary was founded by Petronel Nieuwoudt, with the goal of providing care and rehabilitation to a wide range of animals. Due to the drastic increase in the number of rhino poaching incidents within South Africa, and an ensuing large number of orphan rhinos, the need for a specialized sanctuary which would rehabilitate and eventually, release back into the wild became necessary. The sanctuary was developed in an area which has large numbers of communities surrounding the reserve. These communities experience high unemployment and own large tracts of un-utilized agricultural lands. CFWRS works directly with these local communities in creating sustainable solutions that provide training, educational opportunities and ultimately jobs. This will lead to members of the community developing livelihoods and securing promising futures for their communities through conservation. The long-term sustainability of the CFWRS ultimately through the creation of jobs and enterprises within the Sanctuary and surrounding communities which ensure that the communities see a tangible benefit in conserving the Sanctuary and rhinos.