With over 35 million square feet of roofing successfully installed, we’ve got the right team for the job. Cardinal has been providing professional roofing services throughout Texas since 1982. Cardinal Roofing is big enough to serve you, but small enough to care. Explore our comprehensive portfolio and contact us to set-up a consultation for your next project.
Recent Successes
George W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum
The library is located on the campus of SMU in Dallas, Texas. The roofing system is a Sika/Sarnafil Single-Ply roof. The waterproofing and green roof areas are also Sika/Sarnafil. The George W. Bush Library meets the LEED building requirements to obtain a platinum rating.
Irving Convention Center
The Irving Convention Center is located in Irving, Texas. Soprema's Mod-Bit roof system was used for this project. The convention Center is a LEED certified building, and the use of Soprema's Soprastar reflective cap sheet helped obtain the certification.
Texas Health Heritage Methodist Hospital
The hospital is located in Fort Worth, Texas. Johns Manville supplied the roofing system used on the project. Johns Manville Single-Ply TPO was used on part of the hospital, while a Mod-Bit system was installed on the remainder.
University of North Texas
Performing Arts Center
Nicknamed the “Armadillo”, it is a custom designed standing seam metal panel roof. The low slope roofs areas are covered with a Johns Manville Mod-Bit system.