Cardimed Asia Medikal
based with its head office in
Istanbul, Turkey, is as an international player in the medical
trading world. Our company consists of several divisions, such as
cardiology, neurology, orthopedic, surgery, dental, wound care
and sport care.
We are in partner-/distributorship with international market
leading medical manufacturers and suppliers all over the world.
This together with our *5 years of experience in the medical field,
we can offer the best quality products in line with the best
service that our customers are looking for.
Our group of companies consists of several locations in Germany and
the Netherlands. To offer even better international service, we
have expanded in Turkey.
We aim to grow to be an independent and one of the main partner in
the medical world in order to offer the best products and
We believe in a healthier world in which more people have access to
the best accessible and affordable health care.
We assist hospitals, doctors and their patients with
innovative health care products and services quickly, reliably,
with fair prices and with conviction.