CarPrice Ltd Moscow-based technological start-up launched in 2014.
The major part of the business is an online auction. CarPrice also offers logistics, warehousing, corporate services and financial solutions for used cars market players in Russia.
CarPrice offers technologies and infrastructure for used cars transactions between private sellers and professional buyers facilitating liquidity in the market.
For private sellers CarPrice is a transparent, convenient and advantageous safe way to sell their car.
For professional buyers CarPrice is a stable and reliable buying channel.
To sell his car the seller comes to a CarPrice representative, the car goes through legal check and standardised technical inspection. Technical report and legal data are then uploaded to CarPrice online auction platform, available for registered buyers. Buyers bid for the cars, maximum bid wins. The winning bid is offered to the seller as purchasing price. The seller can accept or reject the offer. The service is free for the seller. Buyers pay for the access to the platform and CarPrice fees for each transaction.