Capital Market Authority of Montenegro

Capital Market Authority of Montenegro specializes in Government Administration with 11 employees
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About Capital Market Authority of Montenegro
Capital Market Authority of Montenegro is an independent regulatory body established by the law to regulate and supervise the issuance of securities and their trade in accordance with the international rules and principles of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the legal framework of the European Union in this area (EU Acquis) and by the rules of the competent European Authority for Securities and Markets (ESMA). We have the vision of modern regulation of the capital market with precisely defined goals: encouraging a fair, efficient and transparent capital market in order to protect investors and reduce systemic risk, regulation of securities issues and operations with these securities, supervision of the capital market and the education of the members on the market and informing the public about trends and the development of the capital market. In perform the work established by law, the Commission is autonomous and independent authority and it’s accountable the Parliament of Montenegro. The Commission is proclaimed by the Parliament at the proposal of the Government of Montenegro. Komisija za tržište kapitala je zakonom ustanovljeno nezavisno regulatorno tijelo osnovano radi uređivanja i nadzora izdavanja hartija od vrijednosti i njihove trgovine u skladu sa međunarodnim pravilima i principima Međunarodne organizacije komisije za hartije od vrijednosti (IOSCO), pravnim okvirom Evropske Unije u ovoj oblasti (EU Acquis) i pravilima Evropskog nadležnog organa za hartije od vrijednosti i tržišta (ESMA).
Year Founded
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Government Administration
HQ Location
Kralja Nikole 27a/ III sprat Podgorica, 81000, ME
Capital Market Authority of Montenegro Location
  • Kralja Nikole 27a/ III sprat Podgorica, 81000, ME

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Capital Market Authority of Montenegro specializes in the Government Administration field

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Capital Market Authority of Montenegro specializes in the Government Administration field