The Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) Provider Network (CPN) implements capacity-building programs and services for CDC-funded health departments, community-based organizations (CBOs), and healthcare providers to enable the HIV prevention workforce to optimally plan, integrate, implement, and sustain comprehensive programs and services that will help achieve the nation’s HIV prevention goals.
The CPN offers National Training through two National HIV E-learning Centers and a National HIV Classroom Learning Center. Regional Technical Assistance (TA) for CDC-funded health departments and CBOs in four geographic regions: Northeast, South, Midwest, and West. Regional TA focuses on clinical HIV testing and prevention for persons with HIV, nonclinical HIV testing and prevention for HIV-negative persons, and integrated HIV activities and structural interventions.
National Learning Community for HIV CBO senior- and
mid-level program managers at CDC-funded CBOs. Learning community includes expert instruction, mentoring, and resource sharing as well as peer-to-peer learning and support.