Canopy Spatial is based in Memphis, TN. Our team has been servicing the Southeast Region for over ten years. We are excited about the rapidly evolving advancements that the Geographic Information Systems technology sector has seen in recent years and are prepared to help local government, private businesses, and non-profits leverage these technologies.
Esri is leading the charge in advocating for the use of GIS in education, environmental management, public works, local government, and many other industries that drive our day to day activities. We are honored to participate in the Esri Partner Network. Our Team is trained and certified to assist and support the needs assessment, implementation, and training for many of the tools and solutions that Esri offers.
Our core competencies are in Data Collection, Data Creation, Data Conversion, Data Management, Data Integrity (QA/QC), Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), Capital Improvement Planning (CIP), Long Range Planning, Training, Field Services, Engineering Support, Data Integration, Project Management (PMI), Process Improvement (LSS), Agile/Scrum Development, Education, Economic Development, Stakeholder Management, Community Engagement, Public Safety, Emergency Response, Crisis Mitigation, Site Selection, Spatial Analysis, LiDAR, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Raster Analysis, Mobile Applications, Web Mapping, Cloud Computing, Application Deployment, Needs Assessment, Implementation, Maintenance, and Heads Up Digitization.
Most of all data that exists can be related to a location in space and time. This fact is what drives us to strive for excellence in our field. This fact changes the conversation. We believe that it is critical to organize and structure data so that it can be useful and meaningful. The scenario today is that there is too much data 'noise' on one end and 'absent' data on the other.
Our mission is to help you Think Spatially.