CannabizMD is a groundbreaking woman-owned MBE/DBE/SBE-certified cannabis science, cannabis policy consulting, and education resources firm with the mission to educate, build, and engage an ecosystem of medical cannabis industry stakeholders for optimal patient and product outcomes. CannabizMD is committed to filling the void of cannabis science and policy education via workforce development for entry into the high-growth cannabis workforce, physician and advanced practice provider, and industry senior leadership.
CannabizMD is a singular agnostic resource for the medical cannabis industry stakeholders, creating its ecosystem supported by a robust digital platform and year-round, evidence-based educational events that include a wide range of industry topics, including medical cannabis clinical and research applications, regulatory considerations, innovation in technology and regulatory considerations.
The core values of CannabizMD, which support its vision, shape its culture, and reflect the company values, are based on a Jewish concept, “tikkun olam,” which means “repair of the world”. This is an aspiration to behave and act constructively and beneficially for society. This requires passion, transparency, teamwork, accountability, determination, and a willingness to evolve.
CannabizMD partners with stakeholders and companies who share the vision of destigmatizing cannabis and breaking ground in this dynamic industry with a keen focus on the most important stakeholder group.
CannabizMD is the first Maryland cannabis industry ancillary business to receive funding from the Maryland Department Department of Commerce and a recipient of the first Maryland Department of Labor EARN grant for Maryland's cannabis industry workforce training as a partner of CannaWorkforce, Inc.