Innovative vitamin spray supplements supporting consumers across the country.
Can-i Wellness Oral Vitamin Spray Supplements are The Faster, Better Way to Energize, Relax, Recover and Sleep - Innovative, Disruptive, and highly differentiated, for consumers and retailers.
• 3-6 times faster than a gummy, pill, or beverage
• 8-9 times more effective
• Ready-to-use, convenient, and compact
• 30 servings packed in a tiny spray canister
• All natural proprietary formulations
Can-i Sleep® - Get to sleep, get back to sleep, fast
Can-i Boost® - Provides energy and mental focus
Can-i Fresh® - Offset anxiety or stress
Can-i Mend® - Hangover recovery
We are in Canada with founding national retailers, distributors, and Brokers while rapidly expanding our USA business on Amazon and in retail stores.
Amazon USA store
For more information, visit or n the USA