The Canadian Intercollegiate Exhibition (CIE) is a week long competitive, educational, and community building event. Our goal is to showcase and highlight the contributions of various esports programs and clubs across Canada, while also creating friendly Canadian Rivalries.
3 Pillars of CIE
1. Compete: Schools will have opportunity to compete against other Canadian post-secondary institutions in various prize pooled tournaments. Competition fosters healthy rivalries, school pride, and community growth and support.
2. Connect: Industry nights will inform and help connect students to the gaming and esports industry. Students also have the opportunity to connect, work with, and share ideas with their peers across Canada and industry partners
3. Community: Various gaming and esports communities across Canada come together to cheer on their post-secondary institution's teams and support their student leaders.
From competition to production, to graphic design and event execution, CIE provides the stage to showcase the vast amount of talent Canada has to offer the gaming and esports industry.