Callan Research

Callan Research specializes in Staffing and Recruiting with 11 employees
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About Callan Research
ABOUT US: We are a specialist talent mapping & a competitor research business & not a recruitment firm, and our business model is designed to work with key decision makers to help them understand the competitor business and talent landscape which in turn helps them to make more informed decisions and reduce costs etc since we don’t charge any recruiting fee irrespective of the number of hires derived through the mapping. Our Service Offerings: 1. Name Generation and Candidate Profiling 2. Gender Diversity and Nationality (Localisation) Talent mapping 3. Organisation Structure Mapping 4. Competition Benchmarking and Analysis 5. Compensation Benchmarking 6. Succession Planning Benchmarking
Year Founded
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Staffing and Recruiting
HQ Location
Callan, OO
Name and contact details gathering of professionalsProfiling of professionalsCV generatioOrganization mapping and salary surveysDiversity mappingCompetition Analysis
Callan Research Location
  • Callan, OO

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Callan Research specializes in the Staffing and Recruiting field