The California Workforce Association (CWA) is a non-profit membership organization that develops public policy strategies and local capacity to address critical workforce issues. CWA represents the Workforce Development Boards, over 200 One-Stop Career Centers and other critical workforce development partners in California. Our members include local non-profits, government, educational institutions and community based organizations involved in training, education, economic development, welfare, and employment. California Workforce Investment Boards are private sector-led boards focused on strategic solutions to workforce issues in their regions. Interested in becoming a CWA Member go to: (Individual & Organizational Yearly Memberships).
CWA hosts three annual conferences; Youth@Work (January / rotates So. California to No. California every other year), WORKCON (May / formally known as the Spring Conference), and Meeting of the Minds in Monterey (September / aka MMM). 600+ attendees per conference and growing at our three-day long conferences; nationally recognized workforce plenary speakers & panels, capacity building sessions, specialized workforce tracks, two days of local and national workforce Exhibitors, amazing networking events that develop lasting workforce partnerships.
Please connect with us on our other social media platforms; Twitter - @CaWorkforce, Facebook - @CalWorkforce. General contact at & LinkedIn Group: