We provide assistance to at least 258 active students every year. Students who participate in the program come from every academic department and major on campus. To participate in the program, students must meet eligibility guidelines that are based on household income, parent's education, or student disability.
Services provided to students include academic advising, tutoring, career information, help with financial aid concerns, workshops, and help understanding academic policies and procedures. At Cal Poly we work closely with the Financial Aid Office, Registrar, Student Academic Services, Writing & Learning Center, Academic Skills Center, Career Services, Disability Resource Center, Mustang Success Center and many others.
We are part of a national effort by the U.S. Department of Education to make the opportunity for success in college available to low-income and first-generation students, and/or students with disabilities. For more information, about SSS, please see U.S. Department of Education at: https://www2.ed.gov/programs/triostudsupp/index.html