We are a diverse team of professionals and aim to serve the healthcare fraternity by offering simple solutions to simple problems and fill current gaps in services especially online. We will also strive to keep healthcare fraternity in tune with latest technology developments and develop solutions based on constant feedback so that we are always relevant and useful.
Healthcare Jobs
Healthcare is a very specialized field and in most cases jobs profile needed are very specific. Current job portals do not cater to this specificity and differentiation that is required. Jobs are categorized very poorly leading to lot of frustration and time wasting both for the recruiters and applicants in the healthcare space.We match Jobs better. Create a job alert with us and get near matching. Make us your career partner.
Healthcare Deals & Classifieds
See and post deals in healthcare right from a book to a hospital. Buy sell lease rent.
Healthcare Medical Writing & Publication
Data collection methodology & analysis. Write ups. End to end solution for your publication needs.
Healthcare Consulting/ Investments/ Fund Raising