Cv. Rahma Jaya Tehnik

Safety Valve, Valves, Mechanical Parts
The company is basing the service on the Customer with the motto "Customer Satisfaction above all" With the application of professional work and service, and high dedication and responsibility, we guarantee the achievement of work that can give satisfaction to the assignor either from the function, reliability and pruduct appearance. In the above efforts, the material / product-product that we use, the material that meets the quality standards in Indonesia (SII) or even the International standard, the Service is always oriented to the professionalism and trust of the assignor so as to ensure operational quality and after-sales service. The warm welcome and trust of the relations, will be a mandate we will not waste and with thanks and hope to improve and strengthen our efforts, always be the aspiration of CV. Rahma Jaya Teknik.
Year Founded
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Safety Valve, Valves, Mechanical Parts, Wood Dust, Wood, Construction and Property, Air Filter, Filter, Industrial Supplies, Filter Bag
HQ Location
Jl. Raya Ps. Babelan, Kedung Pengawas, Babelan, Bekasi, Bekasi
BlowerBlower Centrifugal FanBlower Axial FanBag FilterFabrication And Installation Of Fleid
  • Jl. Raya Ps. Babelan, Kedung Pengawas, Babelan, Bekasi, Bekasi

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