CV. AGRO TANI INDONESIA is a company engaged in the fertilizer trade.
CV. AGRO TANI INDONESIA was established on June 2, 2017.
The founders of CV. AGRO TANI INDONESIA have the motivation to play an active role in the efforts of Indonesian food independence. Food independence can be achieved with the maximum capacity of agricultural and plantation production, which will be achieved by fulfilling the facilities and infrastructure of agricultural production appropriately, one of which is the fulfillment of quality fertilizer needs. We play a role in providing high quality fertilizers that can significantly improve the quality and volume of production of agricultural and plantation crops in Indonesia.
We have succeeded in procuring fertilizers, as well as carrying out several other jobs well, we can achieve this success because all of our staff have high competence.
NPK Fertilizers, Fertilizer, Agriculture, Plantation and Animal Husbandry, Inorganic Fertilizer
HQ Location
ds nongkokerep rt 03 rw 01 bungah gresik, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur
Main Products
Pupuk UreaPupuk NpkPupuk KclPupuk OrganikAlat Lab PupukPupuk Non Subsidi