CUBE is a digital and interactive marketing agency based in Riga, Latvia. We love creating solutions that transform brands and help businesses to reach their goals in the digital age.
Our services:
- Web design and development;
- Animation and motion graphic;
- Usability audit and testing;
- Social media strategy and campaigns;
- Mobile platforms and applications;
- etc.
Our Adwards:
Adwards '18 II Branded content and entertainment
Adwards '17 Grand Prix
Adwards '17 I TV un Radio
Adwards '17 I Interaktīvie un digitālie risinājumi
Adwards '17 I Sabiedriskās attiecības
Adwards '15 I Grand Prix
Adwards '15 I Sabiedriskās attiecības
Adwards '15 I Interaktīvie un digitālie risinājumi
Adwards '14 II Digitālais dizains
Adwards '13 I TV un Radio
Adwards '12 I Ambient Media
Platīna Pele 2012
Platīna Pele 2011
Adwards '11 I un II Digitālie risinājumi
Platīna Pele 2010
World Summit Award Mobile 2010
Golden Hammer 2010
Adwards '10 II Interaktīvais dizains
Platīne Pele 2009
Prix Europa 2009
Golden Hammer 2009
Adwards 2009
Cannes Young Lions Cyber 2008
Golden Hammer 2008
Platīna Pele 2008