CTI Music Ministries

CTI Music Ministries specializes in Religious Institutions with 11 employees
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About CTI Music Ministries
"Supporting global mission and ministry through the impact of music - Developing Christian leadership and character in young musicians." Mission CTI works to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19) by developing Christian leadership and character in young musicians, training them in servanthood, awareness, and the active sharing of their faith, and mobilizing them in partnership with the Church and other established Christian organizations worldwide to support mission and ministry through the impact of music. Description WE ARE a community of young people combining a passion for music with a desire to share the love of Christ, and a vehicle through which young Christian musicians are trained, equipped and mobilized into opportunities to impact their generation. WE USE short-term missions teams to advance the Gospel while developing Christian leadership and character in our participants. General Information WE HELP MINISTRY ORGANIZATIONS around the world reach young people with the Gospel by providing well-trained music teams that strengthen and challenge Christians in places where they gather, and bring the light of Jesus to places where He may not be known. WE DISCIPLE TEAM MEMBERS through life in Christian community, service within a global network of established partnerships, and quality training that emphasizes spiritual formation, servanthood, character growth and leadership development.
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Religious Institutions
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CTI Music Ministries specializes in the Religious Institutions field

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CTI Music Ministries specializes in the Religious Institutions field