CSP is a research body in the field of information and communications technology. It operates on a local, national and international level, performing experimental development and industrial research in accordance with the European norms on Innovation and R&D. Its shareholders
are: @Airspot, @aizoOn Consulting , @CAAR, @Envisens Technologies
@Politecnico di Torino, @URMET S.p.A
CSP is accredited with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Since 2000 more than 500 people have worked for CSP and 400 of
these have found employment in more than 70 companies, mostly in the local area. CSP is focused mainly on Internet of Things and Internet of Data.
Research Services, Research, general, Research and testing, IT, Internet, R&D
HQ Location
Strada del Lionetto, 6
Torino, TO 10146, IT
Research and technology transfernetworkingembedded systeminternet of thingsand internet of data