CSD Structural Engineers (CSD) is a nationally known and respected structural engineering consulting firm headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a branch office in Greenwood Village, Colorado. CSD was incorporated as Computerized Structural Design in 1968 to provide structural engineering and building design services. CSD has built a reputation as an industry leader by providing innovative design and construction solutions, developing industry specifications and standards, and using an integrated team approach during the design process.
CSD provides expertise in structural engineering and building design services to a variety of clients including designers, building owners, developers, contractors, manufacturers and architects. With a wide range of experience, CSD provides services on architectural, commercial, and industrial projects and also provides specialty engineering related to connection design, precast concrete, rack structures, skylights, and construction engineering.
For more information about how CSD can assist with your project needs, please contact us at (414) 351-5588, info@csd-eng.com, or at www.csd-eng.com.
CSD is always looking for talented engineers for full time positions and student internships. If interested, please visit our career page at www.csd-eng.com/careers.