CS Design Group, Inc. is a multidiscipline design consultancy with over 25 years experience solving complex problems with simple solutions. The group has an extensive knowledge base with core competency in a wide range of disciplines including:
• Mechanical Engineering & Design
• Structural Engineering
• Electrical Engineering
• Automation Control
• Power Systems
• R.F. Engineering
• Software Engineering
• Industrial Design
• HVAC Engineering & Design
• Architecture & Site Planning
• Quality Engineering
• Design/Build Management
The “Creative Solutions” team has been working together for over a quarter century using a teamwork approach to solving difficult problems. The group is dedicated to servicing the commercial and residential markets with its primary focus on customer satisfaction.
If you would like more detailed information on our services and capabilities, or would like to meet at a convenient time and location to discuss your project, please call us at 631-806-7658, fax us at 631-590-5853 or email us at info@csdesigngrp.com.
Thank you,
The CS Design Group Team
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
Mechanical EngineeringStructural EngineeringElectrical EngineeringAutomation ControlPower SystemsR.F. EngineeringSoftware EngineeringIndustrial DesignHVAC EngineeringArchitectureSite PlanningQuality EngineeringDesign/Build Management
Mechanical Engineering & DesignStructural EngineeringElectrical EngineeringAutomation ControlPower SystemsR.F. EngineeringSoftware EngineeringIndustrial DesignHVAC Engineering & DesignArchitecture & Site PlanningQuality EngineeringDesign/Build Management
Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial DesigElectrical EngineeringPower SystemsAutomation DesigStructural EngineeringHVAC DesigDesign-BuilRF EngineeringQuality Engineering