Computer and Network Security, Information technology (IT) auditing and consulting services, Information technology (IT) and Internet · 2 Employees
Phone Number: +31 30 700 9736
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Defeating cyber criminals and bad actors is a cat & mouse game. We believe that ill-intentioned actors can be countered by having people or systems with an ‘attacker mindset’ on your own side. Being fully aware of the goals, tools, techniques and patterns of attackers, it’ll be easier to prevent breaches. We help you by demonstrating how your IT can be exploited and advising how you can fix & prevent this from happening in the future.
Computer and Network Security, Information technology (IT) auditing and consulting services, Information technology (IT) and Internet, IT, Internet, R&D
HQ Location
Vleutensevaart 100
Utrecht, Utrecht 3532 AD, NL
Information SecurityAutomated Red TeamingARTCyber Securityand Consultancy
Vleutensevaart 100
Utrecht, Utrecht 3532 AD, NL
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