CORENA is a non-profit organisation with a people-powered funding mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The extraordinary strength of this movement stems from voluntary contributions which we use to give interest-free loans to pay for practical climate-beneficial projects. Loan repayments from completed projects go back into our revolving fund to help fund subsequent projects - so the contributions individuals and organisations make to CORENA never disappear; they are used over and over again to achieve emissions reductions way into the future.
CORENA provides a practical and effective way for ‘the people’ to collectively fund new renewable energy installations now, instead of just waiting on government action.
Australia has the technology for a rapid transition away from fossil fuel use and towards 100% renewable energy. We also have plenty of people who want to ‘do something’ to tackle the climate emergency. CORENA brings together these people and this technology via our simple outside-the-box Quick Win climate project funding model to enable us all to make a difference.
CORENA is run entirely by volunteers and its projects are funded entirely by donations and loan repayments from completed projects. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.