Codingtec is the leading manufacturer of thermal transfer ribbons (TTR) in China. we have years experience on the application and development, brings together a wealth of knowledge in the field of variable information printing. Codingtec company equiped with the world's most advanced technology and slitting equipment. the same high-preision hardware platform just like European, American, Japan firms.
Codingtec exports to over *0 countries, with its' main emphasis in America, Europe, Asia and Africa.We have become well known for providing our valued customers the "best in class thermal transfer ribbons" coupled with the most attractive pricing in the industry. Our excellent customer service, products and pricing has allowed our rapidly growing customer base to increase market-share while increasing customers satisfaction!
Codingtec is a *1st century company with world class quality/performance and people!
We have a wealth of industry experience in R&D, TTR manufacturing, product development and customer development. Look forward to earning your TTR business and to welcoming you to the Coding-tec global family.
Contact Now
Business Model
Transfer Film, Packaging & Printing Materials, Packaging & Printing
HQ Location
Weiye, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Main Products
Barcode RibbonThermal Transfer Ribbon
Thermal Transfer RibbonBarcode Ribbon