To strengthen its solutions dedicated to the insurance industry, Gfi, the French leader in IT solutions and services, has launched Cleva Insurance Software, a software offering that provides an effective response to the challenges of innovation and transformation in this fast-changing sector.
For the past ten years, Gfi has been designing and deploying a range of customized services designed to industrialize information systems in the insurance and finance sector. Following the integration in 2014 of ITN, an innovative and recognized player that offers specific solutions dedicated to insurers, Gfi benefits from excellent assets and talents within its software packages branch. It is this unique DNA that has led to the Cleva Insurance Software offering.
Designed as a complete suite with standard processes, aligned with market regulations, Cleva offers an all-in-one approach, adapted to the needs of insurers both in their search for performance and in the innovation of their products and services.
Cleva's expertise is based on 3 major pillars and covers the entire insurance industry:
- A global expertise that favors economical, modern management solutions that can be operated on all life and non-life insurance segments.
- Functional mastery of a wide range of applications that are conducive to innovation and technical and regulatory changes, and that generate real competitive advantages.
- Technological know-how that guarantees a standardized, scalable IT infrastructure that complies with modern application architectures.
This functional and technological richness facilitates the adaptation of Cleva applications to our clients' ecosystems.
They trust us: La Banque Postale Assurance, Natixis Assurances, Bâloise, Allianz, Groupama, MAE, Marsh, Novelia Arkea, Solly Azar, Groupe Zéphir, Groupe Roederer, CERAP, Groupama Gan Vie, April, AGPM, MNSPF, CMCM, OGF