Temporary Office at Vomero
CBC Cimarosa Business Center provides for you tax and mail post domiciliation services, a virtual office and correspondence management, as well as a furnished and ready to use office for your business meetings, a room for your meetings and other, available by hour or day (day office).
We are located nearby Piazza Vanvitelli, overlooking the Floridiana Garden, in the center of the Vomero quarter, with different types of vocation, for business, shopping, leisure and food. Our position is prestigious and also very strategic: we are a few metres from the Metro Line 1 or Funicular Vanvitelli Station; it’s served by public transport and is 1 km away from the highway of Naples (Tangenziale di Napoli). It is possible to park the car in many parking lots near our office.
The main advantage of our formula is to offer prestigious services and offices without the costs of a traditional office.
Contact us for a quote and to visit the structure in person.
Via Enrico Alvino 2, 80127 Napoli
Mobile: (+39) 3515099252 – Office (+39) 0815787735 - (+39) 0817424726
Mail: info@cimarosabusiness.com
Site: https://www.cimarosabusiness.com/