Scored as excellent by FCT Research, powered by the Consortium, CHRC – Comprehesive Health Research Center - is a new, national centre of excellence for research, training and innovation, in health promotion, prevention, rehabilitation and healthcare services, looking into health from a 360º perspective. Based in Portugal, this consortium is composed of healthcare professionals, researchers, academics, patients and entrepreneurs who work together towards this common goal. CHRC is composed by 5 Management units –University of Évora, Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health, Espírito Santo Hospital (Azores), National School of Public Health, coordinated by Nova Medical School and also have several affiliated Institutions all over the country, helping many researches and projects all over Portugal.
The main areas of Research are focused in Health Promotion, Lifestyles in healthcare, High burden and high mortality diseases, Health policies and healthcare services research and each of these thematic lines is composed by several research groups, which is made up of hundreds of researchers/ health professionals inside the CHRC network.
CHRC ensures a support structure for researchers through multiple support services to help attracting funding, for development of new projects and provides also services do empower researchers: Statistics, Biobank, Genetic Lab, Technology Transfer Office, Clinical Research Device.