Checkmate provides ten year structural latent defects warranties on all types of new and newly converted property.
Castle 10 is for speculative residential property
Collective 10 is for social housing schemes for rent
Knight 10 is for one-off dwellings built under contract for a client who owns the land
Bishop's Gate 10 is for commercial, retail and industrial projects
Checkmate has approval form the 99.7% of the UK mortgage market. Checkmate is a Designated Warranty Scheme under the Warranty Link Rule operated by the Department of Communities & Local Government.
The Chartered Institute of Building has awarded Checkmate the status of Chartered Building Consultancy which recognises our levels of technical and professional expertise and the fact that 100% of Checkmate’s technical team are professionally qualified.
Checkmate operates its business through a fully transactional website. Our business model is founded on the principals of combining modern technology with traditional methods and the experience of our team to deliver an excellent level of customer service in an environmentally sound way.
Checkmate is a division of Lockton Companies LLP, one of the top ten largest global insurance brokers. Lockton is a Chartered Insurance Broker with the Chartered Insurance Institute.
Checkmate acts as agent for its carefully selected insurer partners who provide the cover for Checkmate’s market leading policies