CFD-Numerics specialises in Computational Fluid Dynamics. We deliver engineering services in Thermic, thermo-hydraulics, aerodynamics, Combustion and Multiphase (Free surface, Particles or Droplets).
We also invest in the development of capabilities in Fluid/Structure Interaction, Uncertainty Quantification and Topological Optimisation applied to CFD with our solution SmartOptim.
We rely on ANSYS Package (Fluent and CFX), OpenFOAM and STAR-CCM+ with our own HPC resources.
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering, Engineering - industrial consultants, Design & Research Offices, Business Services
HQ Location
Rond Point de l'Echangeur
Solaize, FR
Engineering ServicesCFDCAEFSIFluidaerodynamicshydraulicsThermicsheat exchangeradiation