Central Washington Disability Resources is a non-residential center for independent living. Central Washington Disability Resources advances the empowerment, inclusion, and wellness of all persons with disabilities through advocacy, community education, peer mentoring, and skill development so that they may realize independence and full
directors to be people with disabilities. We are peers not just providers; CWDR will focus on guiding the Independent Living Movement by advocating for independence, equity, and justice. Working together to raise the voices of those who are most arginalized – from BIPOC to LGBTQ+, to immigrants, or to those in poverty. This gives us an advantage in providing services and resources to people with disabilities.
We are highly motivated to take a personal interest in the people we help. We are committed to empowering them by identifying and obtaining housing, employment, medical care, and assistive technologies. We are passionate advocates for removing barriers to full involvement in their community. CWDR currently provides many different programs throughout our service area which are Kittitas, Yakima, Grant, Chelan, and Douglas Counties. Please visit our website to learn more . (Mycwdr.org)