CELIM is an Italian NGO founded in 1954 and based in Milan. CELIM deals with development cooperation projects and boasts one of the highest efficiency rates, equal to 90%.
It has been operating in Albania since 1999 and its main focus is the implementation of projects, mainly aimed at environmental protection.
The local Headquarters are in Vlora.
CELIM Shqipëri is currently working for the realization of 4 projects:
1) ACAP (Community Action for the conservation of Protected Areas). Funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), the project aims to contribute to the safeguard of the Protected Areas targeted by the project and to strengthen the management and conservation measures of the National Parks in the path of Albania's accession to the European network Natura 2000. The project boasts 52,986 beneficiaries.
2) VaLORË GREEN. Funded by the Italian-Albanian Debt for Development Swap Agreement (IADSA), it aims to support the sustainable development of the Municipality of Vlora, by structuring a solid urban waste management system based on social responsibility and environmental responsibility. The project boasts 121,000 beneficiaries and operates in Vlore and surrounding areas.
3) NaturAlbania BLUECoaAL-ITion. Funded by AICS Tirana, it aims to strengthen the role of institutions and local communities in the management of areas characterized by water basins in terms of environmental and biodiversity protection, through the development of the historical, cultural and traditional aspects of sustainable tourism. The project boasts 160,000 beneficiaries.
4) NaturAlbania GREENCoaAL-ITion. Funded by AICS Tirana, it aims to support the sustainable development of the Albanian natural heritage by strengthening the role of local institutions in the management of Protected Areas, with particular focus on sustainable tourism and the transfer of know-how. The project boasts 21,295 beneficiaries.