CCI Anesthesia is a $100 million company that provides anesthesia management, consulting and billing services in health systems, hospitals, and surgery centers nationwide. We specialize in reducing costs, optimizing reimbursement, and standardizing clinical quality. CCI understands the need for hospitals to find that perfect balance of exceptional clinical care delivered through cost-effective services. We also appreciate the importance of providing Anesthesiologists and Anesthetists with very competitive compensation, and helping them find a community that is the best fit for them and their family.
Hospitals and Health Care, General Medical and Surgical Hospitals, Health Care and Social Assistance
HQ Location
1765 E Nine Mile Rd
Suite 1-229
Pensacola, Florida 32514, US
Outsourced Anesthesia Practice ManagementAnesthesia Consulting Servicesand Anesthesia Billing ServicesAnesthesia Billing Services