CARSA is a non-profit organization established in 2002 for the purpose of promoting reconciliation, reconstruction and restoring a peaceful society.
Our mission is to serve communities by supporting their journey towards healing, forgiveness, reconciliation and holistic development.
How we do this:
• We equip and train youth, students and church leaders, empowering them to live in harmony and become agents of healing and reconciliation in their communities.
• We train and promote unity in diversity among younger leaders, building relationships and developing character to enable them to be a source and agents of holistic transformation of the nation.
• We bring together genocide survivors and perpetrators, assisting them with opportunities for welfare in various peace building initiatives.
Our vision is to have a society where peace, solidarity and unity in diversity are established.
We are committed to:
• The Bible as the Word of God and the supreme authority in all matters of faith, morality and ministry. We believe that the practical dimensions of life are no less spiritual than the ministry expressions. We seek to honor God with all that we do, equipping and mobilizing men and women of God to take roles of service and influence in every arena of society.
• Prayer as the source of our strength and inspiration.
• Teamwork, network and partnership as the definition of our relationships among ourselves, with other organizations, institutions and the members of the community we serve.
• CARSA is committed to creating with God through listening to Him, praying His prayers and obeying His commands in matters great and small. We are dependent upon hearing His voice as individuals, together in team contexts and in larger corporate gatherings. This is an integral part of our process for decision making.
Contact us to learn more about our programs:
.Trauma Healing and Reconciliation
.Cow for Peace
.Peace Education
.Community Empowerment
.High-5 Rwanda
Executive Offices
HQ Location
Kg 569 St, Kacyiru, Kigali
Apt,suite, AEBR
Kigali, Rwanda 000, RW
Trauma Healing and ReconciliationPeace EducationCow for PeaceChildren Ministry: High-5 RwandaCommunity Empowermentand Mugina Peace Farm