Butterfield is a leading, independent offshore bank and trust company headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda, for more than 160 years. Our experienced team in the UK provides local and international high-net-worth clients seeking a primary residence, pied-a-terre or investment property in London or the South of England with specialised mortgage solutions.
If you wish to find out more about Butterfield’s products and services in the UK, please contact us at ukmortgages@butterfieldgroup.com or visit www.butterfieldgroup.com
Butterfield Mortgages Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services Register number: 119274). Registered office: Sun Court, 66-67 Cornhill, London EC3V 3NB. Registered in England No. 338594
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/butterfield.bermuda
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Butterfield_BDA
Cayman Islands
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/butterfield.cayman/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Butterfield_Cay
Channel Islands
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/butterfield.channelislands/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Butterfield_CI