Business Security Company B.V. (BSC) was founded in 1993 and is located in the area of The Hague. BSC is a leading, independent security- and investigation company, specialised in Security Risk Management, transport security, personal protection, investigations, intellectual property, brand protection and training. Offering a complete package of high-quality services.
Unwitnessed and unobtrusive but highly effective, we supply a large number of high quality specialised security- and investigation services for businesses. We also perform an active role for the Government in hostile areas. Discretion has the highest priority within BSC, the importance and fulfilment of the expectations of our clients are paramount. BSC will always first analyse the personal and client reputational risks and threats, before selecting and implementing practical measures.
All employees of BSC are former employees/agents from the government, international companies, special units of the military forces (Marine Corps) and/or the police. They are experts in their field. They also have a wide experience in hostile areas across the world and act in a discreet and professional way.
Our staff are real team players, friendly, costumer oriented, well-mannered and speak moreover fluent English. By bringing these skills together and the 24/7/365 availability, BSC is able to meet the specific needs of the client; i.e. unburden of the VIP. BSC also provides on request, customized training & education programs.
BSC has also international experience in the following (high risk) countries; Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, (South) Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt, DR Congo, Morocco and Bosnia-Herzegovina.