There will be 10,000 new retirees in the U.S. every day for the next 15 years. Are you one of them?
Today’s Retirement Situation—The Hard Truth:
Most people approaching retirement have not thought about what happens after work life ends because the idea of losing one’s identity is terrifying. Have you thought about it? Does it scare you? Make you uncomfortable?
When asked, “What will you do when you retire?” most people respond, “I don’t know.”
You’re used to doing what you do—whether it’s being a CEO, General in the army, nurse, or salesperson. Because you’ve done it for so long, and are good at what you do, it’s hard to imagine doing anything else, so you keep on doing the same thing. You say you love your work, but at this point in your life, you don’t know what else you could love doing after work ends. Are you concerned that a life of meaning might slip by? Is a life of true satisfaction slipping through your fingers right now? When will you bear the fruits of all of your hard work?
Every day at work, you felt valued, needed, respected, and you contributed your knowledge. When that steady flow of interaction upon which you thrive dries up, how do you expect to transition to tending your roses without difficulty? Most people have difficulty with the transition and many fall into depression. It doesn't have to be that way. Retirement doesn't have to mean the end, but rather the beginning of renewal.
Will you retire or renew?
Financial vs. Non-Financial:
Most people have a financial plan for retirement. Most do not have a non-financial plan. Maybe you have enough money to retire or perhaps you still need additional income. Either way, you're still faced with the question of: How will you spend your days? Without a course to follow, it's easy to drift aimlessly.
Do you have a plan?