Specialists in providing results-producing process fluid heat transfer systems.
A solid reputation is built on longevity, engineering excellence, quality workmanship, and customer service. Budzar Industries has specialized in process fluid heat transfer systems since 1975. As a result, Budzar has earned a global reputation for quality and ingenuity in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of temperature control systems. Just look around. You will find Budzar systems in action throughout the world, delivering accurate temperature measurement and control to the production of chemicals, petroleum, plastics, rubber, paper, power, steel, food, and pharmaceuticals.
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing, Industrial Storage Tanks, Tanks, Materials Handling, Thermal Fluid Heaters, Heaters, Process Equipment, Automated Induction Systems, Hot Oil Heaters, Confined Space Heaters
HQ Location
38241 Willoughby Pkwy
Willoughby, Ohio 44094, US
Process Fluid Heat Transfer SystemsHot Water UnitsPortable Chiller UnitsCentral Chiller UnitsTowers & Tank SetsBio-Waste Decontamination SystemsPortable Sanitary Steam Sampling Cartice rink chillersmmonia Chillerspropane chillers