Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., is concerned with metal loss – corrosion and erosion. Our company was founded to specialize in material degradation and corrosion/erosion control. We offer complete consulting, QA/QC, inspection, testing, expert witness, feasibility and design engineering, procurement, sales, installation, startup, testing, training and operation services for corrosion/erosion studies, corrosion/erosion control, monitoring systems, failures, cathodic protection, coatings, inhibition, material selection and all other methods of corrosion/erosion control. With all of our services and equipment our main focus is total client satisfaction.
Oil and Gas, Markers, Marking Devices, Materials Handling, Cathodic Protection Systems, Cathodes, Process Equipment, Coupons, Advertising Kiosks, Marketing
Internal Corrosion MonitoringCathodic ProtectioSand MonitoringMaterials ConsultingCorrosion Consulting