Brown College

Brown College specializes in Higher Education with 201 employees
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About Brown College
At Brown College, you'll discover a school focused on helping you make the most out of your education in Broadcasting, Business, Design, Technology, Healthcare or Criminal Justice. We can offer you an industry-current education and provide you with the hands-on training, real-world knowledge and practical skills to pursue a career in your field of choice. We'll also help you focus on the communication, human relations, citizenry and analytical skills necessary to be successful in a complex and competitive job market. In today's world, industry-current education is key to making things happen in your professional life. And if you're up for the challenge, we're ready to help you prepare for the opportunities. At Brown, we're with you all the way.
Year Founded
Social Media
Higher Education
HQ Location
1345 Mendota Heights Road
HealthcareGraphic DesigRadio BroadcastingInformation TechnologyCriminal JusticeBusiness ManagementVisual CommunicationsSoftware Development
Brown College Location
  • 1345 Mendota Heights Road

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Brown College specializes in the Higher Education field